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From: jhr.walter_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-05-22 03:22:05

Hi Doug,

you wrote:

> I've been trying to compile the Bayes++ code which requires ublas, so I've
> been in the learning-about-boost phase since yesterday and ran into this
> myself using VS.NET 2003.
> I've downloaded the 5/19 release of ublas and placed it in the 1.30.0
> release of boost, and had to:
> 1) uncomment the #define BOOST_UBLAS_NO_NESTED_CLASS_RELATION
> 2) Add "#define BOOST_UBLAS_TYPENAME typename" to the MSVC section
> ('typename' being what's different) (yeah, I know I'm breaking VC6, and it
> should be #if'd in there if it's going to stay, but I'm just trying to get
> this to compile)

Thanks, I'll use this information to prepare a corresponding config section
in the next days.

> #1 got rid of a lot of errors, and #2 got rid of everything else but 3
> errors.
> So, I'm left with trying to get my head above all the template usage. If
> anyone can provide some insight, I'd appreciate it. This is probably a
> little more towards the Bayes++ side, not boost,

You can verify this with the ublas regression tests

> but thought I'd ask here
> since I did want to mention the 'typename' issue and VC7.1 which I hadn't
> seen mentioned yet:)
> Here's the error output:

[snip diagnostics]

Thanks for your feedback,


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