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From: Mark Sizer (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-22 16:11:49

Again, duh on me. Thank you.

I don't want to use the 'while' paradigm, because I want to be able to
free all the blocked threads on shutdown so they all gracefully
terminate (destructors called, etc...). Getting a default constructed
message back is OK as long as it's rare.

I've refactored to this (it seems to work, but I'm posting it anyway):

MSG mqueue::get()
   MSG msgResult;
   { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lockQueue( _mutexQueue );
     if ( _queueOut.empty() )
       _conditionMessageReady.wait( lockQueue );

     if ( !_queueOut.empty() )
       msgResult = _queueOut.front();
       // this happens after a flush() call (on shutdown)
       // (and the occasional race condition)
   return msgResult;

( and changed post back to .notify_one() )
Thanks again,
  - Mark

Christopher Currie wrote:

> Mark,
> The problem is that your "get" waits on the condition before it checks
> if the condition has already been met. So if you call "get" after the
> producer has already "post"ed, you'll sit on the condition forever. The
> canonical form of waiting on a condition looks like this:
>>MSG mqueue::get();
>> MSG msgResult;
>> { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lockQueue( _mutexQueue );
>> while ( _queueOut.empty() )
> > _conditionMessageReady.wait( lockQueue );
> > msgResult = _queueOut.front();
>> _queueOut.pop();
>> }
>> return msgResult;
> Now if you call get and there's something in the queue, there's no need
> to wait on the condition.
>>P.S. The lockQueue is locked when the condition is done waiting, right?
> Yes, the lock is automatically released when entering wait, and acquired
> before exiting it.
> Hope this helps!
> Christopher
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