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From: Jim.Hyslop (jim.hyslop_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-30 08:09:31

John Maddock wrote:
[unknown] wrote (please try to attribute quotes)
> > I can see how I could do this in a loop to replace the different
> > subfields. Is there another step I would need to take to
> > guarantee that
> > there is at most one of each type of subfield?
> Well if you search for "C(\\d+)|O(\\w+)" it can only match
> one or the other
> can't it? Or am I missing something?
I could be wrong, but I interpreted the OP's question to mean: is it
possible to have the regex generate an error if more than one sub-field of a
specific type is found, i.e. the following would be invalid:


The original poster can correct me if I've misinterpreted anything.


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