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Boost Users :

From: Vladimir Prus (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-30 08:32:04

rasasenkuviene wrote:

> I was trying to build boost-jam and boost-build executable with
> build.bat in Visual Studio .NET (Windows 2000) from downloaded
> sources. However, ended with single non-functional jam0.exe and
> truncated to zero length my own compiler cl.exe from Visual
> Studio .NET. Nmake coul'nt be used, because makefiles were not
> included. What is going on?

I can't guess that. You've only said that you had no luck, while to guess
what the problem is more complete information is needed. Where did you get
boost.jam sources. What did you did and what output you get?

> How to compile or obtain needed boost-jam
> or boost-build executables under Windows2000?

You can try sourceforce download page. The page at

talks of in in rather large pink font ;-) The binaries should be enough to
build Boost libraries.


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