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From: Adalbert Perbandt (adalbert.perbandt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-30 11:05:48

>>>>> "Volodya" == Vladimir Prus <yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]> writes:

Thanks a lot for your helpful hints.

>> Obviously there is no separation by OS platform (Solaris or
>> Linux). What would I have to do to build the lib. with gcc on
>> Solaris? Where would the products be installed?

    Volodya> Is your directory shared between Solaris and Linux?
    Volodya> Hmm... I'm afraid there's nothing you can do about it.

I can get it configured in both ways, either the same directory shared
by both platforms or separated from each other with a means to put
identical parts of the data into a shared directory and place links
from both separate dirs. into the shared one. So I'll use the platform
separate variant for boost.

>> Furthermore there is no separation by compiler version
>> (e.g. gcc 2.95.2 is not separated from gcc 3.2.2). Is this
>> considered unnecessary?

    Volodya> In fact, that's important feature. Boost.Build V2 already
    Volodya> has it.

But for now it would be sufficient if I renamed the gcc and sunpro
directories to gcc_3.2.2 and forte_6.2 respectively, wouldn't it?

>> 2. The libs were built with debug symbols (-g option) only),
>> correct?
>> I'm not familiar with jam and therefore don't know what to do
>> to get them built with optimization active. It seems to me as
>> if this should be rather simple because in
>> ../boost_1_30_0/tools/build/sunpro-tools.jam obviously two
>> variants of the CFLAGS variable for optimization are defined:

    Volodya> You should pass "-sBUILD=release" flag to jam.

Ah, that's great.

Unfortunately the compilation in release mode fails with messages like

sunpro-C++-action ../../../libs/test/build/bin/
Assertion failure in prep_dot
>> Assertion: (../links/, line 560)
    while processing ../src/unit_test_log.cpp at line 301.

    CC -c -DNDEBUG -fast -O4 -xtarget=generic -features=rtti -features=except -I"../../../libs/test/build" -I"/home/hwadm/Boost/boost_1_30_0" -o "../../../libs/test/build/bin/" "../src/unit_test_log.cpp"

...failed sunpro-C++-action ../../../libs/test/build/bin/

Is my assumption correct that this is due to a compiler bug, i.e. the
assertion comes from the compiler's code? I could not find any
"../links/" file among the boost 1.30.0 stuff.

I already looked up the options given in the compile command in the
docs. The forte 6.2 compiler seems to support all of them.



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