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From: Adalbert Perbandt (adalbert.perbandt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-03 09:51:55

Hi there,

I'm still uncertain how to properly build and install boost libraries
under Solaris 7. I unpacked the boost_1_30_0.tar.gz file and ran from
the boost_1_30_0/libs/test/build directory:

$ jam -sTOOLS=sunpro -sBUILD="debug release" \

This created some of the lib files below

Not all of them because in release mode compiling the file
boost_1_30_0/libs/test/src/unit_test_log.cpp failed several times:

sunpro-C++-action /opt/boost_1.30.0/libs/test/build/bin/libboost_test_exec_monitor.a/sunpro/release/runtime-link-dynamic/unit_test_log.o
Assertion failure in prep_dot
>> Assertion: (../links/, line 560)
    while processing ../src/unit_test_log.cpp at line 301.

    CC -c -DNDEBUG -fast -O4 -xtarget=generic -features=rtti -features=except -I"/opt/boost_1.30.0/libs/test/build" -I"/home/hwadm/Boost/boost_1_30_0" -o "/opt/boost_1.30.0/libs/test/build/bin/libboost_test_exec_monitor.a/sunpro/release/runtime-link-dynamic/unit_test_log.o" "../src/unit_test_log.cpp"

...failed sunpro-C++-action /opt/boost_1.30.0/libs/test/build/bin/libboost_test_exec_monitor.a/sunpro/release/runtime-link-dynamic/unit_test_log.o...

Line 301 and around in this file look so:


unit_test_log::operator<<( checkpoint const& cp )
    if( m_pimpl->m_entry_in_progress )
        m_pimpl->set_checkpoint( cp ); // LINE 301

    return *this;


I cannot see any complexity here that could lead to an assertion. As I
learned from the Boost Users Mailinglist archive such assertions seem
to be common problems with Sun's forte 6.2 and 7 compilers.

O.k. When the build above was finished I got at least the libs. built
in debug mode obvisously completely installed below


To get the header files installed I ran

$ bjam -sTOOLS=sunpro -sBUILD=install

But this command did not install the header files which would be
required to use the test library. Instead a complex directory
structure was created below ../sunpro/install.

Is there no way to automatically get all the header files that belong
to the test lib plus the other boost header files used by this lib
installed automatically?

Many thanks in advance for any hint.


Adalbert Perbandt.

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at