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From: Adalbert Perbandt (adalbert.perbandt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-05 04:49:26

>>>>> "David" == David Abrahams <dave_at_[hidden]> writes:

    David> Adalbert Perbandt <adalbert.perbandt_at_[hidden]> writes:
>> To get the header files installed I ran
>> $ bjam -sTOOLS=sunpro -sBUILD=install

    David> Nope. "install" is not a build variant.

Hmm, seems to me if I misunderstood something. I found a set of so
called "Pseudotargets: described in the
tools/build/jam_src/Jambase.html page.

In between I followed your hint in a reply to another question and
specified the installation directory like this:

$ bjam -sTOOLS=sunpro -sALL_LOCATE_TARGET=<installDir>

    David> Nope. Being able to isolate header dependencies and
    David> separate them from the rest of Boost is not a feature we
    David> have implemented. Boost is meant to be installed "en
    David> masse"

O.k. So I simply copy the whole directory tree including and below the
"boost" directory into my installation dir and configure the compiler
with -I<install_path>.

I wonder why the installation directory-hierarchy is that
complex. Each one of the libs. is stored under a seprate directory:


If I want to use more than one lib I have to specify multiple lengthy -L
options for the link command pointing to each of the required
libraries's directories.

What is the rational behind this directory structure?

I would find it more convenient if I had all the libs that were build
the same way (same compiler, same compile mode [debug/release] stored
together in one directory.

What does this directory "runtime-link-dynamic/" mean?

Sorry if these are stupid questions. I'm not that experienced yet with
using C++ libraries (except the STL) in my projects.

Thanks in advance for any hint.


Adalbert Perbandt.

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at