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From: Matthias Kronenberger (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-06 01:20:11

You can simply use a multimap, better the hash_multimap.

To represent a tree, enumerate your knots. For every father knot, map its id
to the id of its childreen ( and maybee additional data)
A knot that cannot be found in the map, is a leaf.
I you want to traverse the tree in the leaf to root direction, simply create
a predecessor map (using a simple vector for example). That map stores the
father for each child.

"Hossein Haeri" <powerprogman_at_[hidden]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Dear all,
> I need to have some template doing the jobs of an
> ordinary BST (Binary Search Tree). Nothing that fancy,
> but something at the level we all have been educated
> in CS1/FCS1, or similar courses. Does boosts
> repository
> contain such an object?
> Why don't I write it myself? Simply, because I want to
> optimise the time!
> Thank you,
> --Hossein
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