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From: Daryle Walker (darylew_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-10 14:10:46

On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 5:48 PM, Alex Henderson wrote:

> I'd like to calculate a value for a cyclic redundancy check (crc) for
> a number of files.
> This isn't going to be transmitted anywhere, I simply want to compare
> the values to see whether the files are exactly the same. I know I can
> simply check byte for byte, but I've got a few thousand files and it's
> easier to calculate the crc for each and see whether any are the same
> first.
> I've looked at the crc library, but can't get my head round the
> example. It seems to test the library rather than show how its used.

Yes, the sample program is meant as a test of the library. You can
still get an idea of usage from it. There are also short examples in
the HTML documentation.

> I'm after something like
> std::vector<char> MyStream1; // the whole file (about 500kb)
> boost::SomeCRCTypeThatIsOptimisedForSafetyAndLargeishBlocks<???> x;
> long = x.checkme(MyStream1);
> Could someone please point me to some code where a simple example is
> detailed?

What's in the documentation is it.

Do you have a specific CRC algorithm in mind? If so, you just pick the
appropriate template parameters. If not, you can choose one of the
samples I provided, like boost::crc_32_type.

The optimized CRC function objects can work with a single byte at a
time or an array-segment of bytes. By putting your file's data in a
std::vector as you have in your example, you limit yourself to just the
single-byte computing call, as the elements of a vector may not be
contiguous. Just allocate a simple char array and use one of the CRC
object's array computing calls or use one of the CRC functions. Based
on what you said, I don't think you need the object-wrapping that
std::vector gives.


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