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From: Jean-Marc Prud'homme (JPrudhomme_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-10 11:01:37

Hi Paul,

_1 is a placeholder argument. When you write

bind(&CDocumentAttachments::Execute, _1, _T("print"))

you are creating a functor that can be called with a single argument
of type CDocumentAttachments. This is what is required by the for_each
algorithm. It is equivalent to

bind<HINSTANCE>(mem_fn(&CDocumentAttachments::Execute), _1, _T("print"))

Look at the mem_fn doc.

You still need this kind of functor if you add more arguments to
CDocumentAttachments::Execute. This should create the functor you

bind(&CDocumentAttachments::Execute, _1, _T("print"), false)

Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Thompson [mailto:friedegg_at_[hidden]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 7:54 AM
To: Boost-Users_at_[hidden]
Subject: [Boost-Users] Struggling with bind

Hi all.

I've been using boost::bind to work around deficiencies with
std::mem_fun_ref and std::bind2nd under MSVC6.

I have a class called CDocumentAttachments which had a member
function thus:

    HINSTANCE Execute(LPCTSTR verb) const;

I was using bind with this as follows:

             bind(&CDocumentAttachments::Execute, _1, _T("print")));

"filenames" is a const vector of CDocumentAttachments objects.

This worked fine.

A little later on in development, I changed the function signature for
CDocumentAttachments::Execute to:

    HINSTANCE Execute(LPCTSTR verb, bool visible) const;

How will I pass the extra bool to bind? I can't find any examples of
passing more than one parameter to a member function.

I thought about (among many others)

             bind(&CDocumentAttachments::Execute, _2, _T("print"),

but the compiler (VC6) complains with two of the following:

k:\vc\include\boost\bind.hpp(760) : error C2679: binary '[' : no
defined which takes a right-hand operand of type 'const class
(or there is no acceptable conversion)
        k:\vc\include\boost\bind\bind_template.hpp(33) : see
reference to
function template instantiation 'struct HINSTANCE__ *__cdecl
boost::_bi::evaluator3<struct HINSTANCE__ *>::eval(const class
boost::_bi::list3<class boost::arg<2>,class boost::
_bi::value<char *>,class boost::_bi::value<bool> > &,struct
boost::_mfi::cmf2<struct HINSTANCE__ *,class
CDocumentAttachments,char const
*,bool>,class boost::_bi::list1<class CDocumentAttachments const &>
being compiled

I know I'm being really thick here, and I'm sure there's something
obvious that I'm missing, but reading through the documentation hasn't
helped me.

Thank you very much.


Paul Thompson
McLellan Software Design Ltd.
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