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Boost Users :

From: Paul Thompson (friedegg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-11 17:10:22

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], Alisdair Meredith
<yg-boost-users_at_m...> wrote:
> Paul Thompson wrote:
> > I thought about (among many others)
> >
> > for_each(filenames.begin(),
> > filenames.end(),
> > bind(&CDocumentAttachments::Execute, _2, _T("print"),
> > false));
> Looks good to me, but why have you changed _1 to _2? The parameter you
> are passing in this place is the same (pointer to your objects as found
> by dereferencing the iterator)
> If you change _2 to _1 I think it should work.

Yeah, I tried that, but I got 39 errors! Hence playing with the
placeholder - it got fewer errors. Sounds daft, I know.

I don't have the code with me here. I'll try some more when I get to
work tomorrow.

Thanks for your time!


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