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From: Dan Dimerman (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-21 05:41:20

Hello Vladimir,

You've hit the exact spot. I noted as well the "confusing" comment there.
The problem was in the configuration of my development environment, i.e., I
read files from boost 1.30.0, but the compiler used files from 1.29.0, hence
the problem with the m_zero.

It works now.

Many thanks for your time and patience.

"Vladimir Prus" <yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> Hi Dan,
> >> I'm at loss... nothing suspicious so far. And without VC7, I can't
> >> this. Let's try to narrow the problem down.
> >> 1. You compile examples/file_dependency.cpp, right?
> >> 2. It throws exception inside dijskta_shortets_path_no_init, right?
> >> 3. Exception is thrown from 'examine_edge' and the exception is
> >> 'negative_edge', right?
> >> 4. Could you tell what's the value of 'm_zero' and what's the value of
> >> 'e' --- I mean what's the source and target vertex? What's result of
> >> 'get' invocation?
> >
> > 1. yes.
> > 2. yes.
> > 3. yes.
> > 4. m_zero = 0x00000000, get( m_weight, e) = 0x00000001.
> > e.m_source = 0x00000000, e.m_target = 0x00000004
> >
> > when I changed the compare object from std::greater<int> to
> > or std::less_equal<int>, I got no exceptions, but the results were all
> > files on time slot 0.
> >
> > Needless to say, it's somewhat confusing. Any insight ?
> That's *confusing*. Also, there's very stange comment in
> file_dependency.cpp:
> compare, combine, 0, // Since we are using > instead of >, we
> std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), // flip 0 and inf.
> "Using >" instead of ">" :-) Well, anyway, in my case m_zero is
> which makes me suspect std::numeric_limits<int>::max() is buggy on your
> compiler/system. Could you try chaning it by literal 2147483647, and
> your results?
> - Volodya
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