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From: Alexandre Carsac (acarsac_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-07 03:07:27

If u look for serialisation API, it could be for 2 main reasons :
  - Tramsmit object accross network
  - Save it to make it persistant.
Perhaps take a look at ice . This is simpler than corba
and said to be already utilised successfully in massively parallel games.

Alexis Gatt <alexismajordomo_at_[hidden]> wrote:

Hello all,

I am looking for a "good" serialization library for C++. While looking at the files in the yahoo repository, I found the, which basically contains a draft for a boost::serialization library. And my question is: Has anyone tried it? Is it good?

On the same topic, does anyone know a serialization library worth recommending?

Thanks a lot


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