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From: Richard Hadsell (hadsell_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-07 15:50:38

I am trying to build the Boost libraries on an Itanium 2 Linux machine
using Intel C++ 8.0. The problem is that bjam is creating a directory
path for the release versions that uses the string "ebug release"
instead of "release". For example:

MkDir1 bin/boost/libs/regex/build/libboost_regex.a/intel-linux/ebug release
intel-linux-C++-action bin/boost/libs/regex/build/libboost_regex.a/intel-linux/ebug release/c_regex_traits.o

Despite the directory that it creates with an embedded space, everything
actually continues quite well, until it tries to run ranlib:

intel-linux-Archive-action bin/boost/libs/regex/build/libboost_regex.a/intel-linux/ebug release/libboost_regex-il-1_31.a
Ranlib bin/boost/libs/regex/build/libboost_regex.a/intel-linux/ebug release/libboost_regex-il-1_31.a
ranlib: bin/boost/libs/regex/build/libboost_regex.a/intel-linux/ebug: No such file or directory

    ranlib bin/boost/libs/regex/build/libboost_regex.a/intel-linux/ebug release/libboost_regex-il-1_31.a

...failed Ranlib bin/boost/libs/regex/build/libboost_regex.a/intel-linux/ebug release/libboost_regex-il-1_31.a...

I built bjam with this: intel-linux

And I built the libraries with this:

bjam -sTOOLS=intel-linux -sINTEL_PATH=/usr/local/intel/compiler80/ia64 --with-python-root=/usr --stagedir=stage -sBUILD="debug release <threading>single" stage

Can anyone suggest what might be wrong with my system? It is a loaner,
so everything is untested as far as I'm concerned. I have no idea what
other tools in addition to Bjam itself might be involved in causing this

Dick Hadsell			914-259-6320  Fax: 914-259-6499
Reply-to:			hadsell_at_[hidden]
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