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From: Michael W Daniels (daniels_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-03-11 09:23:21

At 02:09 AM 3/11/2005, Eric Niebler wrote:
>It's impossible to say, since I don't know how hashed_array_tree is
>defined and I don't have a way to find out. If you could post a minimal,
>complete example that reproduces the problem, I could probably tell you
>what's wrong.

The trouble is that I wasn't sure how to make things any more minimal,
since I don't know what aspects of the container's definition are relevant;
I'll attach the headers for the hashed_array_tree, though.

// -*- c++ -*-
#pragma once

namespace cphstl {
  template <class T, class A = allocator<T> >
  class hashed_array_tree {
    template <class T, class A = allocator<T> > friend class hat_iterator;
    template <class T, class A = allocator<T> > friend class hat_const_iterator;
    inline void find_index (unsigned int n, int& leaf, int& index) {
      leaf = n >> _power;
      index = n & _mask;

    inline int find_leafsize (unsigned int n) {
      int leafsize = 1, capacity = 1;
      while (capacity < (int) n) {
        leafsize <<= 1;
        capacity <<= 2;
      return leafsize;

    typedef T value_type;
    typedef A allocator_type;
    typedef typename A::size_type size_type;
    typedef typename A::difference_type difference_type;

    typedef hat_iterator<T, A> iterator;
    typedef hat_const_iterator<T, A> const_iterator;
    typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
    typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;

    typedef typename A::pointer pointer;
    typedef typename A::const_pointer const_pointer;
    typedef typename A::reference reference;
    typedef typename A::const_reference const_reference;

    hashed_array_tree (const size_type c = 1,
       const value_type& val = value_type(),
       const A& a = A())
      : _alloc(a), _size(0) {
      // Find the initial capacity as the square of a power of two
      // that corresponds best to the initial_capacity.
      _leafsize = find_leafsize((unsigned int)c);
      _top_array = _palloc.allocate(_leafsize);
      int leafs = (int)(c / _leafsize + (c % _leafsize ? 1 : 0));
      for (int i = 0; i < leafs; i++) {
        _top_array[i] = _alloc.allocate(_leafsize);
        for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++)
          _alloc.construct(&_top_array[i][j], val);
      _capacity = _leafsize * leafs;
      _power = log_2_ceil(_leafsize);
      _mask = (1 << _power) - 1;

    hashed_array_tree(const hashed_array_tree& v, const A& a = A())
      : _leafsize(v._leafsize), _mask(v._mask),
        _power(v._power), _alloc(a),
        _capacity(v._capacity), _size(v._size) {
      // Allocate the top array and the leafs.
      _top_array = _palloc.allocate(_leafsize);

      // Copy the elements.
      int leafs = (int)(_capacity / _leafsize);
      for (int i = 0; i < leafs; i++) {
        _top_array[i] = _alloc.allocate(_leafsize);
        for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++) {
          _alloc.construct(&_top_array[i][j], v._top_array[i][j]);

    ~hashed_array_tree () {
      int leafs = (int)(_capacity / _leafsize);
      for (int i = 0; i < leafs; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++)
        _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[i], _leafsize);
      _palloc.deallocate(_top_array, _leafsize);

    iterator begin() {return iterator(0, this);}
    iterator end() {return iterator(_size, this);}
    const_iterator begin() const {return const_iterator(0, this);}
    const_iterator end() const {return const_iterator(_size, this);}

    reverse_iterator rbegin() {
      return reverse_iterator(iterator(_size, this));

    reverse_iterator rend() {
      return reverse_iterator(iterator(0, this));

    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
      return const_reverse_iterator(const_iterator(_size, this));

    const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
      return const_reverse_iterator(const_iterator(0, this));

    reference operator[] (size_type n) {
      return _top_array[n >> _power][n & _mask];

    const_reference operator[] (size_type n) const {
      return _top_array[n >> _power][n & _mask];

    reference front() {
      return _size == 0 ? 0 : _top_array[0][0];

    const_reference front() const {
      return _size == 0 ? 0 : _top_array[0][0];

    reference back() {
      if (_size == 0) return 0;
      return _top_array[_size >> _power][_size & _mask];

    const_reference back() const {
      if (_size == 0) return 0;
      return _top_array[_size >> _power][_size & _mask];

    hashed_array_tree& operator=(const hashed_array_tree& v) {
      // If the leafsize of the two trees are different we just
      // deallocate everything and allocate new leafs.
      if (_leafsize != v._leafsize) {
        // Destroy and deallocate everything.
        int leafs = _capacity / _leafsize;
        for (int i = 0; i < leafs; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++)
          _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[i], _leafsize);
        _palloc.deallocate(_top_array, _leafsize);

        // Allocate a new top_array and allocate the new
        // elements. While doing this we copy the values from v into
        // the new leafs.
        _top_array = _palloc.allocate(v._leafsize);
        int need = v._capacity / v._leafsize;
        for (int i = 0; i < need; i++) {
          _top_array[i] = _alloc.allocate(v._leafsize);
          for (int j = 0; j < v._leafsize; j++)
            _alloc.construct(&_top_array[i][j], v._top_array[i][j]);
        _leafsize = v._leafsize;
        _mask = v._mask;
        _power = v._power;
      } else {
        // The leafsizes are the same. Now we free the space that is
        // no longer needed or allocate extra leafs if they are
        // needed.
        int leafs = _capacity / _leafsize;
        int need = v._capacity / _leafsize;
        if (leafs < need) {
          // We have to allocate extra leafs.
          for (int i = leafs; i < need; i++)
            _top_array[i] = _alloc.allocate(_leafsize);
        } else {
          // We might have to deallocate some leafs.
          for (int i = need; i < leafs; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++)
            _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[i], _leafsize);
          // We set leafs to need to make sure that element copying
          // works.
          leafs = need;

        // Copy the data from v into the new storage. First we copy
        // into the old leafs where destruction of old elements are
        // needed.
        for (int i = 0; i < leafs; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++) {
            _alloc.construct(&_top_array[i][j], v._top_array[i][j]);
        // Then we copy into the new leafs that doesn't need
        // destruction of elements.
        for (int i = leafs; i < need; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++)
            _alloc.construct(&_top_array[i][j], v._top_array[i][j]);
      _size = v._size;
      _capacity = v._capacity;
      return *this;

    void reserve(size_type n) {
      if (n <= _capacity) return;

      // There are two cases here, one where we have to change the
      // leafsize and one where we can reserve the space without
      // changing the leafsize.
      int new_leafsize = find_leafsize(n);
      int needed_leafs = n / new_leafsize + (n % new_leafsize ? 1 : 0);
      value_type val = value_type();

      if (_leafsize == new_leafsize) {
        for (int i = _capacity / _leafsize; i < needed_leafs; i++) {
          _top_array[i] = _alloc.allocate(_leafsize);
          for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++)
            _alloc.construct(&_top_array[i][j], val);
          _capacity += _leafsize;
      } else {
        pointer* new_top_array = _palloc.allocate(new_leafsize);

        // For each new leaf that is needed we allocate it and either
        // copy the old value into the position or construct it with
        // the default value val. First we allocate the new leafs.
        for (int i = 0; i < needed_leafs; i++)
          new_top_array[i] = _alloc.allocate(new_leafsize);

        // Then we copy the elements from the old top_array.
        // x is the number of old leafs that fit into one new leaf.
        int x = new_leafsize / _leafsize;
        int leafs = _capacity / _leafsize;
        for (int i = 0; i < leafs; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++) {
            _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[i/x][(i%x) * _leafsize + j],
          _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[i], _leafsize);

        // Now we have to check wether one of the leafs have not been
        // fully constructed.
        int idx = (_capacity / new_leafsize +
                   (_capacity % new_leafsize ? 1 : 0)) - 1;
        int start;
        if ((start = _capacity % new_leafsize) != 0) {
          for (int i = start; i < new_leafsize; i++)
            _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[idx][i], val);

        // The rest of the needed leafs only needs to be constructed
        // with the standard value val.
        for (int i = idx; i < needed_leafs; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < new_leafsize; j++)
            _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[i][j], val);

        _top_array = new_top_array;
        _leafsize = new_leafsize;
        _capacity = _leafsize * needed_leafs;
        _power = log_2_ceil(_leafsize);
        _mask = (1 << _power) - 1;

    void swap (hashed_array_tree& v) {
      int tmp_leafsize = _leafsize;
      unsigned int tmp_power = _power;
      unsigned int tmp_mask = _mask;
      unsigned int tmp_capacity = _capacity;
      unsigned int tmp_size = _size;
      value_type **tmp_top_array = _top_array;
      _leafsize = v._leafsize;
      _power = v._power;
      _mask = v._mask;
      _capacity = v._capacity;
      _size = v._size;
      _top_array = v._top_array;
      v._leafsize = tmp_leafsize;
      v._power = tmp_power;
      v._mask = tmp_mask;
      v._capacity = tmp_capacity;
      v._size = tmp_size;
      v._top_array = tmp_top_array;

    void push_back (const_reference x) {
      // Check to see is extra storage must be allocated.
      if (_size == _capacity) {
        // Check to see if we need to change leafsize.
        if (_size == (unsigned int)_leafsize * _leafsize) {
          int new_leafsize = _leafsize << 1;
          pointer* new_top_array = _palloc.allocate(new_leafsize);
          // The is one special case here and that's when the old
          // leafsize is 1. This is handled separately here. This is a
          // special case because the moving of old elements does not
          // completely fill the new leafs of the new top_array.
          if (_leafsize == 1) {
            new_top_array[0] = _alloc.allocate(2);
            _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[0][0], _top_array[0][0]);
            _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[0][1], x);
            _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[0], _leafsize);
            _palloc.deallocate(_top_array, _leafsize);
            _top_array = new_top_array;
            _leafsize = 2;
            _capacity = 2;
            _power = 1;
            _mask = 1;
          } else {
            // This loops over the new leafs needed by the objects in
            // the old leafs.
            _power += 1;
            size_type last_leaf = _size >> _power;
            for (size_type i = 0; i < last_leaf; i++) {
              new_top_array[i] = _alloc.allocate(new_leafsize);
              size_type pos = 0; // The starting position in this new leaf.
              // This loops over the next two old leafs that need to
              // be copied into new leafs.
              size_type stop_index = (i + 1) * 2;
              for (size_type j = i * 2; j < stop_index; j++) {
                // Copy the actual elements.
                for (int k = 0; k < _leafsize; k++) {
                _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[j], _leafsize);
            _palloc.deallocate(_top_array, _leafsize);
            _top_array = new_top_array;

            // Allocate the extra leaf that we wanted to begin with.
            _top_array[last_leaf] = _alloc.allocate(new_leafsize);
            value_type val = value_type();
            for (int i = 1; i < new_leafsize; i++)
              _alloc.construct(&_top_array[last_leaf][i], val);
            _leafsize = new_leafsize;
            _capacity += _leafsize;
            _mask = (_mask<<1)|1;
            // Insert the element.
            _alloc.construct(&_top_array[last_leaf][0], x);
        } else {
          // If no change in leafsize is needed we just allocate an
          // extra leaf.
          size_type new_leaf = _capacity >> _power;
          value_type val = value_type();
          _top_array[new_leaf] = _alloc.allocate(_leafsize);
          for (int i = 1; i < _leafsize; i++)
            _alloc.construct(&_top_array[new_leaf][i], val);
          _capacity += _leafsize;
          // Insert the element.
          _alloc.construct(&_top_array[new_leaf][0], x);
      } else {
        // Insert the new element.
        int leaf = (int)(_size >> _power);
        int leaf_idx = (int)(_size & _mask);
        _alloc.construct(&_top_array[leaf][leaf_idx], x);
      _size += 1;

    void pop_back () {
      value_type val = value_type();
      size_type max_capacity = _leafsize * _leafsize;
      _size -= 1;
      // Check if resizing is needed.
      if (_capacity != 1 && _size <= max_capacity / 8) {
        int new_leafsize = _leafsize >> 1;
        pointer* new_top_array = _palloc.allocate(new_leafsize);
        size_type last_leaf = _size >> _power;
        size_type last_idx = _size & _mask;
        size_type cur_new_leaf = 0;

        // Start by allocating the leafs that are needed in the new
        // top_array.
        size_type new_leafs = _size / new_leafsize +
          (_size % new_leafsize ? 1 : 0);
        if (new_leafs == 0) new_leafs = 1; // If _size is 0.
        for (size_type i = 0; i < new_leafs; i++)
          new_top_array[i] = _alloc.allocate(new_leafsize);

        // For every leaf containing data in the old top_array but
        // the last one.
        for (size_type i = 0; i < last_leaf; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < new_leafsize; j++)
          for (int j = new_leafsize; j < _leafsize; j++)

        // Now take care of the last leaf. First check to see if
        // index == 0 in which case no more elements must be moved.
        if (last_idx != 0) {
          // See if two new leafs are needed.
          if ((int)last_idx > new_leafsize) {
            // Fill the first leaf.
            for (int j = 0; j < new_leafsize; j++)
            // And copy the elements until n into the last leaf.
            for (size_type j = new_leafsize; j < last_idx; j++)
            // Construct the empty spaces.
            for (int j = last_idx%new_leafsize; j < new_leafsize; j++)
              _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[cur_new_leaf][j], val);
          } else {
            for (size_type j = 0; j < last_idx; j++)
            // Construct the empty spaces.
            for (int j = last_idx; j < new_leafsize; j++)
              _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[cur_new_leaf][j], val);

        // Destroy the elements in the old top_array.
        last_leaf = _capacity / _leafsize;
        for (size_type i = 0; i < last_leaf; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++)
          _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[i], _leafsize);
        _palloc.deallocate(_top_array, _leafsize);
        _top_array = new_top_array;
        _leafsize = new_leafsize;
        _capacity = new_leafs * _leafsize;
        _power -= 1;
        _mask = _mask >> 1;
      } else {
        // No resizing is needed.
        size_type last_leaf = _size >> _power;
        size_type last_idx = _size & _mask;
        _alloc.construct(&_top_array[last_leaf][last_idx], val);

        // Check to see if there are two empty leafs. If so we
        // deallocate the last one.
        last_leaf = (_capacity - 1) >> _power;
        if (last_leaf >= ((_size - 1) >> _power) + 2) {
          for (int i = 0; i < _leafsize; i++)
          _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[last_leaf], _leafsize);
          _capacity -= _leafsize;

    // This function could be optimized when a resize is done by
    // moving elements while copying them from the old top_array. It
    // has not been done because of 1) time, 2) it's not necessary for
    // what I'm meassuring in my report.
    iterator insert(iterator pos, const value_type& x) {
      // Allocate an extra leaf if this is needed.
      if (_size == _capacity) {
        value_type val = value_type();
        // Check to see if we need to change leafsize.
        if (_size == (unsigned int)_leafsize * _leafsize) {
          int new_leafsize = _leafsize << 1;
          pointer* new_top_array = _palloc.allocate(new_leafsize);
          // The is one special case here and that's when the old
          // leafsize is 1. This is handled separately here. This is a
          // special case because the moving of old elements does not
          // completely fill the new leafs of the new top_array.
          if (_leafsize == 1) {
            new_top_array[0] = _alloc.allocate(2);
            _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[0][0], _top_array[0][0]);
            _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[0][1], val);
            _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[0], _leafsize);
            _palloc.deallocate(_top_array, _leafsize);
            _top_array = new_top_array;
            _leafsize = 2;
            _capacity = 2;
            _power = 1;
            _mask = 1;
          } else {
            // This loops over the new leafs needed by the objects in
            // the old leafs.
            int last_leaf = _size / new_leafsize;
            for (int i = 0; i < last_leaf; i++) {
              new_top_array[i] = _alloc.allocate(new_leafsize);
              int pos = 0; // The starting position in this new leaf.
              // This loops over the next two old leafs that need to
              // be copied into new leafs.
              for (int j = i * 2; j < (i + 1) * 2; j++) {
                // Copy the actual elements.
                for (int k = 0; k < _leafsize; k++) {
                _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[j], _leafsize);
            _palloc.deallocate(_top_array, _leafsize);
            _top_array = new_top_array;

            // Allocate the extra leaf that we wanted to begin with.
            _top_array[last_leaf] = _alloc.allocate(new_leafsize);
            for (int i = 0; i < new_leafsize; i++)
              _alloc.construct(&_top_array[last_leaf][i], val);
            _leafsize = new_leafsize;
            _capacity += _leafsize;
            _power = log_2_ceil(_leafsize);
            _mask = (1 << _power) - 1;
        } else {
          // If no change in leafsize is needed we just allocate an
          // extra leaf.
          int new_leaf = _capacity / _leafsize;
          _top_array[new_leaf] = _alloc.allocate(_leafsize);
          for (int i = 0; i < _leafsize; i++)
            _alloc.construct(&_top_array[new_leaf][i], val);
          _capacity += _leafsize;

      // Insert the element into position n.
      int index = pos - this->begin();
      int leaf = index / _leafsize;
      int n = index % _leafsize; // The index in the leaf.
      // Now move all the elements in front of position n one space up
      // in the tree.
      int last_leaf, move_from;
      find_index(_size - 1, last_leaf, move_from);
      // This loops over the leaf from the last one to the one that
      // contains n.
      for (int i = last_leaf; i >= leaf; i--) {
        // First we check to see if we need to move the last element
        // in the leaf into the leaf in front of this one.
        if (move_from == _leafsize - 1) {

        // The we move the rest of the elements inside of the leaf. If
        // this is the leaf that contains n we only move the elements
        // until the n'th position.
        if (i == leaf) {
          for (int j = move_from; j >= n; j--) {
            _alloc.construct(&_top_array[i][j+1], _top_array[i][j]);
        } else {
          for (int j = move_from; j >= 0; j--) {
            _alloc.construct(&_top_array[i][j+1], _top_array[i][j]);
        move_from = _leafsize - 1;

      // Insert x into the hole that has appeared.
      _alloc.construct(&_top_array[leaf][n], x);
      _size += 1;

      return iterator(n, this);

    iterator erase(iterator pos) {
      int n = pos - this->begin();
      value_type val = value_type();

      // Check if we need to change to another leafsize after this
      // erase. We change leafsize if the size is 1/8 of the max
      // capacity with the current leafsize.
      unsigned int max_cap = _leafsize * _leafsize;
      if (_capacity != 1 && _size - 1 <= max_cap / 8) {
        int new_leafsize = _leafsize >> 1;
        pointer *new_top_array = _palloc.allocate(new_leafsize);
        int last_leaf = (_size - 1) / _leafsize;
        int last_idx = (_size - 1) % _leafsize;
        int n_leaf = n / _leafsize;
        int n_idx = n % _leafsize;
        int cur_new_leaf = 0;

        // Start by allocating the leafs that are needed in the new
        // top_array.
        int new_leafs = new_leafsize == 1 ? 1 : (_size - 1) /
          new_leafsize + ((_size - 1) % new_leafsize ? 1 : 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < new_leafs; i++)
          new_top_array[i] = _alloc.allocate(new_leafsize);

        // For every leaf containing data in the old top_array.
        for (int i = 0; i <= last_leaf; i++) {
          // If this is before the leaf that contain n we just copy
          // the elements.
          if (i < n_leaf) {
            int split;
            for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++) {
              split = j >= new_leafsize ? 1 : 0;
                               [j-new_leafsize*split], _top_array[i][j]);
          } else if (i == n_leaf) {
            // If this is exactly the leaf that contain n.
            int split;
            for (int j = 0; j < n_idx; j++) {
              split = j >= new_leafsize ? 1 : 0;
                               [j-new_leafsize*split], _top_array[i][j]);
            // Now we have to check if this is the last leaf in which
            // case we only have to copy the elements until last_idx.
            if (i == last_leaf) {
              for (int j = n_idx; j < last_idx; j++) {
                split = j >= new_leafsize ? 1 : 0;

              // Now we need to construct the last elements in
              // new_top_array.
              int leaf, idx;
              if (last_idx >= new_leafsize) {
                leaf = cur_new_leaf + 1;
                idx = last_idx - new_leafsize;
                if (idx != 0) {
                  for (int j = idx + 1; j < new_leafsize; j++)
                    _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[leaf][j], val);
              } else {
                if (n_idx != 0) {
                  for (int j = last_idx + 1; j < new_leafsize; j++)
                    _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[cur_new_leaf][j], val);
            } else {
              // If this is not the last leaf we copy all the elements
              // from this leaf (after the n'th position) into the new
              // leafs. When that is done we copy the first element
              // from the next leaf into the last position of the new
              // leaf.
              for (int j = n_idx; j < _leafsize - 1; j++) {
                split = j >= new_leafsize ? 1 : 0;
                               [new_leafsize-1], _top_array[i+1][0]);
          } else {
            // If this is a leaf that comes after the leaf that contain n.
            int split;
            // If this is the last leaf we just copy over the elements
            // from this leaf.
            if (i == last_leaf) {
              for (int j = 0; j < last_idx; j++) {
                split = j >= new_leafsize ? 1 : 0;

              // Now we construct the last elements of the new leaf.
              int leaf, idx;
              if (last_idx >= new_leafsize) {
                leaf = cur_new_leaf + 1;
                idx = last_idx - new_leafsize;
                if (idx != 0) {
                  for (int j = idx + 1; j < new_leafsize; j++)
                    _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[leaf][j], val);
              } else {
                if (last_idx != 0) {
                  for (int j = last_idx + 1; j < new_leafsize; j++)
                    _alloc.construct(&new_top_array[cur_new_leaf][j], val);
            } else {
              for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize - 1; j++) {
                split = j >= new_leafsize ? 1 : 0;
                               [new_leafsize-1], _top_array[i+1][0]);
          cur_new_leaf += 2;
        // Destroy the elements in the old top_array.
        last_leaf = _capacity / _leafsize;
        for (int i = 0; i < last_leaf; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++)
          _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[i], _leafsize);
        _palloc.deallocate(_top_array, _leafsize);
        _top_array = new_top_array;
        _leafsize = new_leafsize;
        _capacity = new_leafs * _leafsize;
        _power -= 1;
        _mask = _mask >> 1;
      } else {
        // If no resizing of leafs is necessary we just rearrange the
        // elements in the existing structure. We just start from the
        // n'th position and run forward through the leafs.
        int last_leaf = (_size - 1) / _leafsize;
        int last_idx = (_size - 1) % _leafsize;
        int n_leaf = n / _leafsize;
        int start_idx = n % _leafsize;
        for (int i = n_leaf; i <= last_leaf; i++) {
          // If this is the last leaf with data in it we only move
          // elements until last_idx.
          if (i == last_leaf) {
            for (int j = start_idx; j < last_idx; j++) {
              _alloc.construct(&_top_array[i][j], _top_array[i][j+1]);
            _alloc.construct(&_top_array[i][last_idx], val);
          } else {
            for (int j = start_idx; j < _leafsize - 1; j++) {
              _alloc.construct(&_top_array[i][j], _top_array[i][j+1]);
            // Move the first element from the next leaf into the last
            // position in this leaf. This makes the hole that is
            // needed to start rearranging the next leaf.
          start_idx = 0;

        // Check to see if there are two empty leafs. If so we
        // deallocate the last one.
        last_leaf = _capacity / _leafsize - 1;
        if (last_leaf >= (int)((_size - 2) / _leafsize + 2)) {
          for (int i = 0; i < _leafsize; i++)
          _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[last_leaf], _leafsize);
          _capacity -= _leafsize;

      _size -= 1;
      return iterator(n, this);

    void clear() {
      int last = (int)(_capacity / _leafsize);
      for (int i = 0; i < last; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < _leafsize; j++)
        _alloc.deallocate(_top_array[i], _leafsize);
      _palloc.deallocate(_top_array, _leafsize);
      _size = 0;
      _capacity = 1;
      _leafsize = 1;
      _power = 0;
      _mask = 0;
      _top_array = _palloc.allocate(1);
      _top_array[0] = _alloc.allocate(1);
      _alloc.construct(&_top_array[0][0], value_type());

    template <class T, class A> friend bool operator==(const hashed_array_tree<T, A>& v1,
                                                                       const hashed_array_tree<T, A>& v2);
    template <class T, class A> friend bool operator<(const hashed_array_tree<T, A>& v1,
                                                                      const hashed_array_tree<T, A>& v2);

    const size_type size() const {
      return _size;
    int _leafsize;
    unsigned int _mask;
    unsigned int _power;
    typedef typename A::rebind<typename A::pointer>::other palloc;
    palloc _palloc;
    allocator_type _alloc;

    size_type _capacity;
    size_type _size;
    pointer *_top_array;

  template <class T, class A>
  bool operator==(const hashed_array_tree<T, A>& v1,
                  const hashed_array_tree<T, A>& v2) {
    if (v1._size != v2._size)
      return false;
    else {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v1._size; i++) {
        if (v1[i] != v2[i])
          return false;
      return true;

  template <class T, class A>
  bool operator<(const hashed_array_tree<T, A>& v1,
                 const hashed_array_tree<T, A>& v2) {
    unsigned int size = v1._size < v2._size ? v1._size : v2._size;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      if (v1[i] < v2[i])
        return true;
      else if (v1[i] > v2[i])
        return false;
    return (v1._size < v2._size);

#ifndef MATH_UTILS_H
#define MATH_UTILS_H

/** A logarithm function that computes \lfloor \log_2(x) \rfloor in
    LaTeX codes :-)
    This function computes the 2-logarithm of the parameter rounded
    down to the nearest integer.
    \param x The integer to calculate the 2-logarithm for.
    \return The rounded down result of the 2-logarithm function. */

inline unsigned int log_2 (unsigned int x) {
  unsigned int r = 0;
  x >>= 1;
  while (x) {
    x >>= 1;
  return r;

/** A logarithm function that computes \lceil \log_2(x) \rceil.
    This function computes the 2-logarithm of the parameter rounded up
    to the nearest integer.
    \param x The integer to calculate the 2-logarithm for.
    \return The rounded down result of the 2-logarithm function.
inline unsigned int log_2_ceil (unsigned int x) {
  if (x == 0) return 0;
  unsigned int x_copy = x;
  unsigned int r = 0;
  x >>= 1;
  while (x) {
    x >>= 1;
  if (x_copy - (1<<r) != 0) r++;
  return r;

/** A power-of-2 shorthand.
    This define calculates the value of the power of two that is given
    in the parameter. This is just to make the code easier to read.
    \param x The power of 2 to calculate.
    \return The computed power of 2.
#define pow_2(x) (1 << x)


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