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From: S (sa3h1n_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-03-18 01:53:45

> Douglas Gregor <doug.gregor <at>> writes:
> <snip>
> It is not possible to access this information in an adjacency_list
> right now, although we can easily add the typedefs. However, the
> element types of these containers are implementation details, so I'm
> not quite sure how much useful information you'll actually get from the
> typedefs.
> Doug

Here is a situation where typedefs for EdgeList etc can prove to be very useful.

template < class graph_type >
void foo( graph_type& g )
    // I would like to create another graph type which depends
    // on the value of the template parameter graph_type
    // e.g.
    typedef adjacency_list< graph_type::EdgeList,
> another_graph_type;
    // note that graph_type could have been directedS or bidirectionalS
    // but I would like to ignore that when creating another_graph_type

    another_graph_type ag;
    copy_graph( g, ag );
    // and so we have an undirected version of the input graph - g

What do you think?


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