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From: Brian Braatz (brianb_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-03-30 12:41:58

Ah Kindred spirits. I asked a similar question awhile ago (like last
year). I am sorry I was not able to find the original message.


The answer I was given was that the & is the correct syntax per the CPP
standard. What you are doing is taking the address of a memberfunction.


What was confusing to me was that some compilers allow you to LEAVE OFF
the & while others don't. The ones that do are trying to be helpful but
are not conformant.




From: boost-users-bounces_at_[hidden]
[mailto:boost-users-bounces_at_[hidden]] On Behalf Of Sean DeNigris
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 7:31 PM
To: boost-users_at_[hidden]
Subject: [Boost-users] Boost.lambda


Can anyone explain why the class member functions need their address
taken when used in a boost::lambda::bind inside the class?



vector<int> v;

MyClass theClass;

for_each(v.begin(), v.end(),

bind(MyClass::DoSomething, &theClass, _1));


//The above compiles fine, but...


class MyClass {


            void DoSomething(const int& i) { ... }

            void Go()


for_each(myInts.begin(), myInts.end(),

/*--------------------->*/ bind(MyClass::DoSomething, this,


            vector<int> myInts;



The above code does not compile. The marked line needs to be:

bind(&MyClass::DoSomething, this, _1));



            - Sean



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