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From: Vladimír Marko (vmarko_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-04-29 08:54:42

[using boost 1.32.0 with gcc 3.4.2 (mingw)]

It seems to me that
    lambda<apply<type-list> >::type,
is allways true. Is this intended or a bug?

The exercise 1-6 in the MPL tutorial, ,
  "Build a lambda expression that has functionality equivalent
  to twice. Hint: mpl::apply is a metafunction!"
where twice is defined as
  template <typename F,typename X>
  struct twice : apply<F,typename apply<F,X>::type> { };
and I think the obvious solution should be
  apply<_1,apply<_1,_2> > .
The problem is that the expression
    apply<_1,apply<_1,_2> >,
doesn't compile at all. This is surprising since for example
the expression
    twice<_1,twice<_1,_2> >,
yields int**** as expected. Is there some fundamental
difference between the metafunctions twice and apply?

My tests suggest that the compilation failure is caused
by the property of lambda<apply<...> >::type described
at the top. This seems pretty odd to me since
is supposed to have a nested template class "apply"
if T is a placeholder-expression and
  lambda<apply<type-list> >::type::apply
refers to the boost::mpl::apply even if the type-list
contains a placeholder-expression (making the whole
apply<type-list> a placeholder-expression). Did I miss

Vladimir Marko

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