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From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-08-19 16:41:37

Andrew Schweitzer wrote:
> I'm not getting the "=mt" version of the library I'm building. When I
> run bjam, it just doesn't build the "-mt" versions. I *think* it did in
> the past, I just don't know how I convinced it to do so.
> A cursory look at the "getting started" page didn't reveal the answer.
> Do I just need to look more closely? Any pointers appreciated.
> Here's what I do:
> Download windows bjam.exe to boost directory.
> open command prompt.
> cd to libs\log\build

That's not a Boost library. What are you trying to build? What gets
built by default depends on what's in the Jamfile for the library
(libs\log\build\Jamfile in this case). So it's up the author of the
library and you might consider bringing it up directly with the author.

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