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From: shenhuifeng (useradd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-10-27 05:53:36
I check out the most up to date code of branch RC_1_33_0 and download the code of stlport 5.0RC6.
I modify the file build\Makefiles\nmake\vc71.mak and add "/Zc:wchar_t" to MACRO CXXFLAGS_COMMON and CFLAGS_COMMON. I compiled it.I set the enviroment variable:
set STLPORT_PATH=c:\temp
set STLPORT_4.62_PATH=c:\temp\STLport
set TOOLS=vc-7_1-stlport
bjam "-sBUILD=debug release <runtime-link>static/dynamic <threading>multi <native-wchar_t>on" --with-serialization >log.txt 2>err.txtThere are not any compile error, but link to the boost_wserialization-vc71-mt-gdp-1_33_1.lib and boost_wserialization-vc71-mt-p-1_33_1.lib fails.Since the dll libs do not generate, the dll files fail. I report this error and hope someone can try it.Huifeng ShenOct 27
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