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From: Andreas Volz (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-10-31 18:28:39

Am Mon, 31 Oct 2005 22:57:22 +0100 schrieb JOAQUIN LOPEZ MU?Z:

> > > ??? = es.get<1>().find(b);
> >
> > An iterator or what else?
> This returns an iterator, yep. Please notice that
> es.get<1>()
> returns a reference to an index, which is, in many
> respects, entirely similar to a regular std::set.
> So you have find(), equal_range() etc. just like
> in the STL case, with equivalent syntax and semantics.
> You might want to give the Boost.MultiIndex tutorial
> a further read --anyway, don't hesitate to come back
> here if things aren't still clearer.

I got it working! Perhaps I've some more questions, but for now I could
continue my work.

Did someone create a SQL language wrapper around multi_index? I think
this could be a very great feature. People that know SQL could really
easy use it without learning too much other stuff. I thought about
using a lightweight SQL lib (e.g. sqlite) before I found multi_index.
But I don't save my data into a file, so multi_index fits perfect.


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