Boost Users : |
From: Stephane Grabli (Stephane.Grabli_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-17 16:19:44
I'm (still) trying to use the strong components algorithm with
a graph storing vertices as a list (listS).
I've learned thanks to this mailing list that I had to explicitely
declare and intialize a vertex_index map.
The declaration of my graph type should
therefore look like that:
typedef adjacency_list<listS, listS,
directedS,property<vertex_index_t,std::size_t> > Graph;
and the component map should be declared this way:
typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertices_size_type v_size_t; //the range of
vector_property_map< v_size_t, property_map<Graph,
vertex_index_t>::type> componentMap(num_vertices(g), get(vertex_index,g)
); //g is an instance of Graph
I would like to know if there is a way to combine this with
the use of bundles. In practice, I used to have this declaration
for my graph type:
typedef adjacency_list<listS, listS, directedS,VertexBundle> Graph;
struct VertexBundle{
int id;
How should I merge these two types of declarations?
Is there a way to define the required vertex_index as a bundle
property and to use it to define my component map afterward?
PS: I apologize for the level of the questions, but I couldn't
get a good understanding of all the property mechanisms out of the
Boost-users list run by williamkempf at hotmail.com, kalb at libertysoft.com, bjorn.karlsson at readsoft.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, wekempf at cox.net