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Boost Users :

From: Liam Routt (caligari_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-20 18:50:18

Merrill Cornish wrote:
> // specify the single, required graph file positional parameter
> po::positional_options_description pd;
> pd.add("graph_file", 1);
> po::variables_map vm;
> po::store(parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
> po::notify(vm);

Perhaps I am missing something, but I don't see where pd is included in
the call to po::store().

My own code includes the following line (I think you can follow the
various variable names; I have a class holding all the option
descriptions, here refrenced as "opts"):

         store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).

I think I found I had to use command_line_parser() and its more
explicit syntax (rather than the easier parse_command_line()) when using
positional arguments.

Take care,


Liam Routt                                          Ph: (03) 8344-1315
Research Programmer                               caligari_at_[hidden]
Computer Science, Melbourne University              (or liam_at_[hidden])

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