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From: Iulian M (eti_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-09 08:00:01

On Thursday 09 February 2006 14:35, Bruno Martínez wrote:
> >> I think dynamic_any already works as the OP needs.
> >
> > Which is available where?
> Here, although some pages are broken

I've tryed dynamic_any but does not compile with latest boost. Also tryed
modifying it but no luck. boost.mpl seems to have changed interface since
dynamic_any was written.

I also got very familiar with boost.any these days and realized it would be
very nice if it had a policy based design that would allow the user to change
the holder class and the way it is cast to the required type.

Others will look to you for stability,
so hide when you bite your nails.

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