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From: Delfin Rojas (drojas_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-05 17:02:40

> Stephen Gross wrote:
> >1. Types are not template-ized. I don't want everything to
> be a double.
> This is an interesting point. My goal so far has been to
> prioritize simplicity above all. The purpose of the toolkit
> is for letting people write arithmetic equations easily. In
> light of that, I think sticking with doubles makes sense.

Simplicity and ease of use are two different things. Sticking to doubles is
indeed a way to make it simple, but not a way to make it usable. Why is a
double better than an int, a float, or a complex number to represent members
in an equation? For this library to be appealing to people it must allow
other types...

Just my 2 cents,


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