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From: Stuart Dootson (stuart.dootson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-22 18:45:07

On 4/22/06, Andrew Schweitzer <a.schweitzer.grps_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> boost for dummies question here:
> When I use boost with VC 7.1, if I link to a lib, I have to include the
> header, get the compiler error, copy the enormous name of the lib onto
> the clipboard, then search in c:\boost_1_33_1\bin for that lib. Then I
> select the properties of that file, copy the enormous directory name,
> then open the visual studio project, and add the enormous directory name
> to the list of directories in which to look for libs. Repeat for each
> lib linked to.
> I tried adding
> e:\boost_1_33_1\bin\boost\libs,
> e:\boost_1_33_1\bin\boost,
> e:\boost_1_33_1\bin
> e:\boost_1_33_1
> as lib directories. That didn't help.
> Is there a less process with fewer manual steps?
> Thanks,
> Andy

If you use the 'install' target with bjam when building Boost, it puts
all the lib files into a single folder. Then you only need to point to
that directory when building and let auto-linking select the
appropriate lib file.

Stuart Dootson

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