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From: Andreas Sæbjørnsen (andreas.saebjoernsen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-28 11:58:15

> > Andreas Sæbjørnsen wrote:
> >
> > > I still experience the same problems as before with regards to this
> > > memory bug. I am not able to test this with the wave driver
> > though as
> > > it compiles with a lot of errors in a lot of header files with gcc
> > > 3.4.3 on linux, but it shows up in the lexed_tokens example.
> >
> > That's puzzling me. Why the Wave driver doesn't compile for you?
> >
> > Are you sure to really have the corrected version (I've
> > replaced all memcpy's in cpp_re.cpp with memmove's, which
> > should avoid the problem reported by valgrind)?
> Seems that the public CVS currently is a bit out of sync if compared to
> the
> 'real' CVS database. At least ViewCVS shows a state which is 5 weeks old.
> This would explain your compilation problems. And I don't know where you
> may
> get a current CVS version, sorry.

Ok. That explains. I will probably try to apply a change from memcpy to
memmove's. It would be great if you could just send me your cpp_re.cpp on
email in case there are some details I missed.

If there are some newer CVS than the public boost CVS it would be great if I
could manage to check out from it since I do some work with Wave where I
apply it to very complex codes, so I will see if I can find out how to get
this kind of read access. Do you use a different cvs or do you have a
process of multiple versions of the CVS?


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