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From: Tim MacKinnon (tmackinn_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-03 16:19:37

OS - Solaris8
Compiler - gcc 3.4.0
boost version - 1_32

I have an application that is using the boost filesystem library. Here
is a snippit of the code :

void DirectoryInterface::listSubDirectories(String dirPath, FileList & dirList)

      boost::filesystem::path filePath(dirPath, boost::filesystem::native);
      boost::filesystem::directory_iterator iter(filePath), iterEnd;

         for (; iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
               .. do something
   catch (boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& ex)
      .. do something
   catch (std::exception& ex)
      .. do something
   catch (...)
      .. do something


An exception is thrown by the call to boost::filesystem::is_directory()
but is not caught by any of the catch blocks shown here. The application
simply terminates with the following message :

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::filesystem::filesystem_error'
  what(): boost::filesystem::is_directory: "/opt/users/tmackinn/neDatabases/": No such file or directory
Abort - core dumped

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

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