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From: Nindi Singh (nindi73_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-10-14 15:41:49
I would very much like to pass bools from python to C++ and have them accepted as bools. However I cannot seem to do this.
My code
class MyTestClass {
MyTestClass ():theType("Empty"){}
MyTestClass(bool theBool):theType("Bool"){}
MyTestClass(int theInt):theType("Int"){}
object GetType(){return object(theType);}
std::string theType;
void exportTestClass() {
class_<MyTestClass> theClass_("TestClass");
then the output in python is
>>> a = TestClass(True)
>>> a.GetType()
>>> a = TestClass(10)
>>> a.GetType()
>>> a = TestClass(bool(True))
>>> a.GetType()
I cannot see what I am doing wrong, as I understand from http://mail.python.org/pipermail/c++-sig/2005-September/009503.html that it should work.
I am using boost 1.33
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