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From: Alan M. Carroll (amc_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-14 19:24:16
Not directly, but Boost.Bind has a more powerful capability that can be used for this application. If, for the bound function, a pointer to member is provided, Boost.Bind will create a functor that takes a pointer to the class and returns a reference to the member. In your case, something like
equal(m.begin(), m.end(), bind(std::equal_to<string>(), _1, bind(&map_type::value_type::first, _1)));
At 03:55 PM 11/9/2006, you wrote:
>Suppose I have a map (m) and a sorted vector of strings (v).
>The map's key is a string, and the map's value is foobar.
>I wish to compare map's keys with the vector's values and detect if they all
>(*mit).first == *vit
>and wish to do it with STL/Boost algo and functors.
>So I am starting with this:
> m.end(),
> v.begin(),
> boost::bind(std::equa_to<string>(),
> std::select1st<std::pair<string,foobar> >(_1), _2));
>I know 2 parameters are past to bind: *mit and *vit . However, before the
>equality, I want to extract the key from the map iterator (i.e. (*mit).first)
>before the comparison. That is this part I have difficulty to concretise.
>Btw, is there any equivalent to select1st (SGI extension) in Boost?
>Does anyone have any idea?
>I must be close to the solution...
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