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From: Berenguer Blasi (bblasi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-23 05:32:04

Thank you Hendrik,

yes, I mean the KDE frontend to gdb.

The problem is:

        - I run the program with Kdbg and everything is ok. I can debug, step
through the program, etc...
        - I run the program setting a breakpoint in any line of a template. The
debugger apparently is running as step into, step over, run, etc... are
available on the menu but hitting them appears to be useless as nothing
happens. Removing the breakpoint of the template makes the debugger work

Any ideas? maybe some compilation flags?

completely lost here.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: boost-users-bounces_at_[hidden]
[mailto:boost-users-bounces_at_[hidden]]En nombre de Hendrik Belitz
Enviado el: jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2006 11:08
Para: boost-users_at_[hidden]
Asunto: Re: [Boost-users] debugging templates

> Berenguer Blasi wrote:
> Is there a way to debug templates? with kdbg preferrably?

What's your specific problem in debugging template code? Certainly you could
debug templated C++ code with any gdb frontend. As James already said, this
could get rather confusing, but it's possible without a doubt.

> James Hughes wrote:
> Kgdb??? The Linux kernel debugger?? Since the kernel is all C, how can you
use templates > in it?
> Forgive me if I am missing something!!

I think he means the KDE frontend to gdb, usually embedded into KDevelop.


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