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From: Remigiusz ¯ukowski (wiewior_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-01-04 06:36:35


Callback mechanism defined by boost::function and by means boost::bind
instead of using callback virtual class is very comfortable, but has one big
shortcoming: using callback class, passing object can be stored as weak_ptr
and if weak_ptr is invalid the callback can be automatically unregistered.
I've tried to implement such behaviour with boost::function and boost::bind
with some helper class holding weak_ptr:

template<typename T> class my_wptr
    boost::weak_ptr<T> m_wptr;
    constructors etc...

and two helper functions:

template<typename T> T* get_pointer( my_wptr &_wptr )
     boost::shared_ptr<T> sptr = _wptr.m_wptr.lock();
    if( !sptr )
        throw some_exception;
    return _wptr.get();


template<typename T> my_wptr<T> wptr_from( boost::weak_ptr<T> &_sptr )
    return my_wptr( _sptr );

now I can use standard shared_ptr version:
boost::function<void()> f1 = boost::bind( &class::method,
some_shared_ptr );
or my version holding weak_ptr:
boost::function<void()> f2 = boost::bind( &class::method, wptr_from(
some_weak_ptr ));

This works, but is unsafe - after get_pointer succesfully returns pointer to
the object, the object is unlocked and can be deleted during class::method
execution. Can anyone help me solving this problem ?


Remigiusz Zukowski, Poland

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