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From: Joaquín Mª López Muñoz (joaquin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-02-15 13:12:30
gzahl_at_[hidden] ha escrito:
> Hi,
> > Hello Manuel,
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Im defining a class with a multi_index_container as base.
> >> When i construct a instance of this class, and the
> >> multi_index_container is called, the program crashes. It even
> >> crashes, when i dont use it as a base class.
> > [...]
> >> This compiles just fine, but if i run the code i get the
> >> following backtrace after a Sigmentation Abort. It happens,
> >> when the queue::queue() is called. Someone a idee whats it
> >> about? Im new to boost::multi_index, so maybe i misunderstud
> >> something? Thank you
> >
> > Well, what you're doing is AFAICS correct, so you shouldn't
> > be getting this crash. You haven't provided a complete
> > test program showing producing the crash, so I wrote one
> > myself after what you've shown and tried it locally, no
> > problems here. Could you please try the attached jung.cpp
> > file? Does it crash also? If it doesn't then there's more
> > to your program than you have described, maybe you can
> > send compilable program showing the issue. If jung.cpp
> > crashes, then could you please provide the following info?
> The Testprogramm jung.cpp does not crash on my machines (im testing on
> a ubuntu 6.10 and a debian 3.1 system, both working with g++ 4.0.2)
> I will try to get a example which reproduces my error, but in the meantime
> i was thinking about the libc stuff. Maybe this is the real problem thing? i
> changed to 4.0.2 from a 3.x version just some weeks ago, so maybe here
> is the problem, because some lib im using is not compiled with 4.0.2?
It could be. Was everything working OK before switching to 4.0.2? Did you
do any significant change to the code after the switch? Can you, just for testing,
revert to 3.x and see what happens? Or alternatively, can you do a full
build of all the modules invovled? I'm no GCC expert, but if your x in 3.x
is less than 4, then there's definitely a C++ ABI change between that
and GCC 4.0.2.
> is there a way i can get the compiler version a library was compiled with?
I don't know. Sorry.
> > 2. The stacktrace mentions a failed assertion in libc.so. Can
> > you see the source code that's causing the assertion? Maybe
> > it sheds some light.
> Im not sure about, where to see this sourcecode?
> scoped_lock(lightweight_mutex & m): m_(m.m_)
> {
> pthread_mutex_lock(&m_);
> }
> these are the lines alst mentioned in the backtrace "/usr/local/include/
> boost/detail/lwm_pthreads.hpp:72" from #5. But this is
> not what you meant, right?
No. The assertion is happening inside libc.so, this is the interesting
source code to look at. Again, I'm no GCC expert, but maybe there's
some way to link against a debug version of the runtime lib which
contains this info (much as your compiled modules have.)
Another thing to consider: Have you recently made canges to your
code related to the construction of *another* global variables? What
I'm thinking of is, if you have some out-of-bounds overwrite
somewhere this could be somehow damaging the info inside a
neighboring multi_index_container. Just a wild guess...
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo
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