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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-02-20 11:17:06
I compiled and ran your example on my vc 7.1 environment and was able to
reproduce the situation.
I modified your main function so that the test worked.
int main()
return 0;
So I suppose you can get things to work by ensuring that there is a "dummy"
serialization before your register with atexit. Personally I wouldn't be
comfortable with this as it would depend on undefined behavior and wouldnt
guarentee portability. But it might be good enough for your purposes.
Your "dummy" serializaton could output to a null stream and just use
"register" to make sure all the statics for all the types instantiated.
The idea of calling serialization from a function registered with atexit
would seem to be a very bad idea to me. Better would be to slightly factor
your solution into:
class my_main {
This would guarentee that all the serializations occur before the statics
are destroyed.
Robert Ramey
gast128 wrote:
> Dear all,
> We use (too many) singletons in our program and now the program
> crashes in Boost Serialization because in an onexit function a static
> member (oserializer::instantiate) of Boost Serialization is already
> destroyed.
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