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From: Deane Yang (deane_yang_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-13 19:01:43

Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
> Jeff Garland skrev:
>> Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
>>> Jeff Garland skrev:
>>> With minimal fuss for everyone.
>> I can provide web-space on the Boost Wiki...
> Thanks.
>> the topic of this thread was
>> really about videotaping the presentations...
> Oh, well. I'm pretty indifferent to that, but since it
> creates much more work for someone, it sounds like
> something with low priority.

I agree with Thorsten. Videos do seem like too much work. But if
presentations can be posted on the wiki, that would be great! I actually
prefer presentations which I can print out and read on the subway to
videos (I'm completely unwilling to sit still and watch a video longer
than 5 minutes).


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