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From: Max Motovilov (max_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-11 12:27:08

It is not immediately obvious how to correctly specify the template
arguments for boost::iterator_facade<> with an output iterator. This
particular case is not mentioned in the tutorial and the first
impression is that using such category as std::output_iterator_tag
should be all that's required. This is not the case; in order for the
postincrement temporary NOT to create a copy of a [fake] pointed-to
value OR a copy of the proxy, the user has to be very careful about
Value and Reference arguments. Took me 3 tries and a thorough look into
the sources to get it right: Value=<argument of Proxy::operator=> and
Reference=Proxy&. Would be nice to add this use case to the tutorial
since it is definitely tricky and error-prone as it is.

Of course there might be ANOTHER piece of documentation describing it
that I missed :(


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