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From: Johan Johansson (johan2sson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-18 18:30:53

"David Abrahams" <dave_at_[hidden]> wrote in message

>> I've looked at the output of -a -ofilename as suggested in the Building
>> and
>> Test HOWTO but I can't really say that I see any difference that matters.
> I suggest looking harder. If that doesn't work, replace the
> quickstart example code with your code and see if it works through
> Boost.Build.
> HTH,

It did help. In case someone else comes a-googling for the same problem: the
quickstart example doesn't have any opinion about linkage which means the
auto-linking kicks in and that just works. I was trying to link statically
which means I defined BOOST_PYTHON_STATIC_LIB and for reasons I no longer
remember BOOST_PYTHON_SOURCE. This worked with 1.33.1 but apparently turns
off the auto-linking in 1.34.0, which I don't think was used by Boost.Python
before, and auto_link.hpp would have told me that I was trying to link
statically and dynamically at the same time.

Regarding the inconsistency between library names, using --toolset=msvc-8.0
instead of --toolset=msvc solved that problem.

Thanks for the coaching. I really appriciate it.


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