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From: Francisco Santos (fmnsantos_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-26 07:10:43

Dear Mr. Andreas Huber,

Are completion transitions and events supported by the Statechart Boost
library? If so, how do you recommend they should be implemented in code.
I have not found examples of statemachines containing transitions
*without* explicit triggers in your library's doc page

Thank you,
Francisco Santos

PS: I have included the definition of a completion transition and
completion event for reference:

A completion transition is a transition without an explicit trigger,
although it may have a guard defined. When all transition
and entry actions and activities in the currently active state are
completed, a completion event instance is generated. This event
is the implicit trigger for a completion transition. The completion
event is dispatched before any other queued events and has
no associated parameters. For instance, a completion transition
emanating from a concurrent composite state will be taken
automatically as soon as all the concurrent regions have reached their
final state.
If multiple completion transitions are defined for a state, then they
should have mutually exclusive guard conditions.

[1] "Completion transitions and completion events", p. 144, Unified
Modeling Language Specification, v1.4.2, 2004

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