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From: Andreas Klöckner (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-12 20:22:13

On Mittwoch 12 September 2007, Mark B. wrote:
> I am trying to use string_algo (specifically split) in my program but I
> have no idea about which Boost library I have to link to. Library naming in
> Boost is not very regular. For example, to link to the filesystem classes I
> have to use -lboost_filesystem, but for linking to uBlas, I have to use
> -lblas. Thus, the substring "boost" is not necessarily in the library's
> filename

ublas is header-only. You don't need -lblas unless you (or some other library
you're using) depends on *the* BLAS, which is the Fortran Basic Linear
Algebra Subroutines, not ublas.


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