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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-11-25 09:41:28

Stefan Arentz escribió:
> The problem is that when I kill or Control-C the consumer that the
> producer stops. I assume that this is because some lock is held by the
> consumer and the producer is waiting for it.
> Is there a way to release these locks when the consumer is killed? Or
> a way to detect this, so that I can release them manually or so?

Ufff... Signals are quite difficult to handle. You will have the same
problems with other process-wide resources, like files. I can't think
about any reliable solution right now. We would need to add cancellation
to process-shared mutexes and that does not seem easy. The only think I
can think is handling the signal (but avoiding ending the process) and
setting a global variable that is checked by other threads. You could
only use timed functions send/receive functions that check that global
variable. If the variable is set, an exit from process cleanly (exit
from non-main threads). If you only use the main thread, throw an
exception when the global variable is set. Not very clean, but I think
it's the only way.



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