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Boost Users :

From: Bob Warren (bob.warren_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-01-20 15:54:48


Like you, I feel like a relative newcomer to boost, though I have been
playing around with various libraries to suit my needs for over a year.

I looked at boost::asio. For some reason it is not listed under the
boost documentation lists, but it does appear to be a boost approved
library. It does address the issue of blocking and non-blocking.

I got most of the way into making a serial port look and behave like an
ftp socket. I know this is not the same as an iostream, but it may be
what you want. Warning: you have to do a lot of learning/exploring
before you can effectively use asio (though I found this is true of many
boost libraries). There is a tutorial and plenty of examples.


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