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From: Boris (boriss_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-05-31 22:23:22

On Sun, 01 Jun 2008 00:16:46 +0900, Zdravko Monov
<zdravko.monov_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Hi!
> Is there a C++ library that can, given a filename, start the default
> application for its type to open it?

I'd say Boost.Process would be the library where the feature you are
asking for would need to be added to (see There are a few more problems

* Boost.Process is not an official Boost library.
* Development stopped in 2006 as far as I can tell.
* The original developer can't be contacted anymore (at least I didn't
manage to contact him).

I took the source code of version 0.1 (the only version released so far)
and fixed a couple of bugs. The library basically works but is far from
complete. There are various outstanding issues, and I'm not sure yet if I
have enough time to go through all of them.


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