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Subject: [Boost-users] static library link (unit test) to msvc 2008
From: nbtvd fdstrhnbbx (atorrses_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-10-11 16:21:13

Hello ,
I have used bjam (cmd: bjam test) for boost (1.36.0) test library. It
has generated some ".lib" files for static binding to my target
project. Now can someone explain to me (step by step please ) how to
use these ".lib" files in msvc 2008 ? By the way this is the name of
one of them:


 ( ok this is a naive question but I could not find how on boost
documentation either on msdn I just found how to use a ".lib" file in
another project in the same solution but apparently this is not the
case because of pre-built library. )

Thanks afore :) .

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