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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Can not compile a program that uses typeof package by gcc?
From: Peng Yu (pengyu.ut_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-10-22 15:00:02

> A generic multiply_traits is not tied to any specific type.
> You can always put it in a detail namespace.

Suppose everything in B of my original code is from a library called
B. Other codes are for the use of library B.

Do you mean that all multiply_traits shall be defined in a namespace
such as B::detail?

When new classes X1, X2, ... are defined, I need to define the
corresponding multiply_traits in B::detail. If the library B (with
namespace B) is designed such that nothing is defined in namespace
B::detail, then the users can define whatever they want in B::detail,
as there would be no conflicting between their code and the library
code, right?


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