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Subject: [Boost-users] [Preprocessor] Auitomatic switch generation for template class instanciation
From: Olivier Tournaire (olitour_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-11-23 09:31:12

Hi all,

I am currently completly lost with boost::preprocessor. I am trying to
automatically generate a switch ... case structure with this lib and I
cannot figure how I can do what I want.
Here is the problem. I have a class templated over 2 parameters (in reality,
more ...). At run time, I need to choose a specific instanciation for a user
given values. An example :

class MyDataEnergy
   // ...

class AnotherDataEnergy
   // ...

class MyPriorEnergy
   // ...

class AnotherPriorEnergy
   // ...

template <typename DataEnergyType , typename PriorEnergyType> class MyModel
: public DataEnergyType , public PriorEnergyType
   // ...

Now, somewhere in the code, a user specifies which energies to use, and I
have to instanciate MyModel with those energies:

// ...
int priorType = ValueComingFromSomewhere();
int dataType = AnotherValueComingFromSomewhere();

        case 0:
            case 0:
            MyModel<MyPriorEnergy,MyDataEnergy> aModel;
            case 1:
            MyModel<MyPriorEnergy,AnotherDataEnergy> aModel;
        case 1:
            case 0:
            MyModel<MyPriorEnergy,MyDataEnergy> aModel;
            case 1:
            MyModel<MyPriorEnergy,AnotherDataEnergy> aModel;

I would like to know if there is a way to automate the above switch
generation. As I have 5 templates, and not only 2, this will really helps
... I tried using BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH but did not came to a result.
Then, there is a lot of duplication in the above code. Am I doing the right
way ?

Hope you could help,

Best regards,


Dr. Olivier Tournaire
Chargé de recherches
MATIS - Institut Géographique National
73, Ave de Paris
94165 St Mandé cedex, France
tel: (+33) 1 43 98 80 00 - 71 25
fax: (+33) 1 43 98 85 81

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