Boost Users : |
Subject: [Boost-users] string interest in some `boost-config' script..
From: Francois Mauger (mauger_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-03-10 07:14:00
Dear boosters,
As a programmer under Unix-like systems, I really appreciate when
a library (say `mylib') provides some `mylib-config' script that helps
its users to build compiler flags. Several industrial strength libraries
have such a tool: GSL, MySQL and, in the field of particle physics
software I work: CLHEP, ROOT, CERNLIB...
Here is an example for the GSL (GNU Scientific Library):
$ gsl-config
Usage: gsl-config [OPTION]
Known values for OPTION are:
--prefix show GSL installation prefix
--libs print library linking information, with cblas
--libs-without-cblas print library linking information, without cblas
--cflags print pre-processor and compiler flags
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information
I makes really easy to write rather portable makefiles using things like:
CPPFLAGS+=$(shell gsl-config --cflags)
LDFLAGS+=$(shell gsl-config --lib)
Up to now and AFAIK it seems Boost does not provide such script that
could be generated at build stage for any system. I wrote my own script
for my own usage (and for people who work with me). But at the end, I
think it would be better to use an `official' tool.
For my experience, it is also a strong argument to convince newbies
to use Boost on top of standard C++, because it comes in some
rather transparent way.
So I have a few questions:
- Is there such a script hidden in the Boost source tree?
- If not, is there any plan to provide one?
- Is someone else interested with it?
Thank you very much for your comments
[hope this topic has not been addressed in the past!
I apologize in advance for that!]
-- François Mauger Département de Physique - Université de Caen Basse-Normandie courriel/e-mail: mauger_at_[hidden] tél./phone: 02 31 45 25 12 / (+33) 2 31 45 25 12 fax: 02 31 45 25 49 / (+33) 2 31 45 25 49 Adresse/address: Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen (UMR 6534) ENSICAEN 6, Boulevard du Marechal Juin 14050 CAEN Cedex FRANCE
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