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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [pool] Crash when attempting to call malloc (1.32)
From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-16 19:06:15


James Madison wrote:
> I am experiencing a very rare crash with boost::pool, when attempting to
> call malloc(), using boost 1.32. Specifically:
> In the header:
> boost::object_pool<unsigned long long> m_cdPool;
> In the code in Thread 1:
> unsigned long long key* = m_cdPool.malloc();
> In the code in Thread 2:
> random_structure->memoryPool->free(...);

What is random_structure->memoryPool?

> <snip>
> Also, about threads. This is being malloced/free in two separate threads,
> however I sort of assumed that pool was thread safe because of discussion
> about using boost::thread instead of their current scheme for thread safety
> on another mailing list. Was my assumption wrong, i.e. pool is not thread
> safe?

It should be safe to use different pools in different threads.
It is not safe to use the same pool from different threads
without locking.

> (I am a little hesitant to blame this completely on threading without
> searching a bit elsewhere because of the way the three threads operate,
> there is very little chance they are stomping over the pool, and the other
> threads are also all in wait states when this occurs)

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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