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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [boost.python] Unable to compile tutorial example
From: Anthony Foglia (AFoglia_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-18 10:49:15

TheLonelyStar wrote:
> I am under Linux, ubunut 8.04 LTS and have no admin rights. Here boost 1.34
> ist installed.
> This is my user-conifg.jam:
> #gcc config
> using gcc : gcc : /usr/bin/gcc ;
> # Python configuration
> using python : 2.5 : /usr ;
> I am trying to get the tutorial example compiled, as described here:
> But I get this:
> bjam
> /export/home/nhuesken/boost.python/boost_1_34_0/Jamfile.v2:341: in load-aux
> rule path.glob-tree unknown in module
> Jamfile</export/home/nhuesken/boost.python/boost_1_34_0>.
> /usr/share/boost-build/build/project.jam:318: in load-jamfile
> /usr/share/boost-build/build/project.jam:68: in project.load
> /usr/share/boost-build/build/project.jam:725: in project.use
> /usr/share/boost-build/build/project.jam:94: in load-used-projects
> /usr/share/boost-build/build/project.jam:79: in load
> /usr/share/boost-build/build/project.jam:170: in project.find
> /usr/share/boost-build/build-system.jam:148: in load
> /usr/share/boost-build/kernel/modules.jam:261: in import
> /usr/share/boost-build/kernel/bootstrap.jam:132: in boost-build
> /net/gorgonzola/storage/nhuesken/boost.python/boost_1_34_0/libs/python/example/boost-build.jam:7:
> in module scope
> I have no Idea what this means.

        This isn't a Boost.Python issue, but a boost-build issue. The version
in Ubuntu 8.04 doesn't have the necessary command. Can you try "bjam
--version"? The first line should be "Boost.Build V2 (Milestone 12).
If not, and you can't get your admin to update the Ubuntu package
boost-build to the intrepid version (2.0-m12), I'd suggest trying to
install it in your own home directory.

        Sorry I can't be more help, but I can't find where the path.glob-tree
rule is called in any file anywhere under libs/python/example. Perhaps
this is a bug in Ubuntu packaged version of 2.0-m11.

        You might have more luck on the boost-build list.

Anthony Foglia
Princeton Consultants
(609) 987-8787 x233

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