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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Boost StateChart and Template parameters
From: Etienne Philip Pretorius (icewolfhunter_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-07-26 12:17:46

Andreas Huber wrote:
> Hi Etienne
>> So a short question is 'How do you pass data from "outside" the state
>> machine into the state machine'.
> That's what events are for. Have you had a look at the tutorial?
Yes, I have.
>> Is it worth it?
> I guess I don't understand what high level goal you want to achieve
> and how Boost.Statechart is supposed to fit in. Could you please
> elaborate?
XML Specification:

document := prolog element Misc*

IE 3 distinct states.

First state 'prolog':
    xml declaration (maximum of 1 occurence)
    comment (no upper limit)
    process instruction (no upper limit)
    white space (no upper limit)

Including 'start element' and 'empty element' as to detect state
transition from prolog to element according to the above definition.

The event to fire that of is well a range of bytes that will match
'prolog' and if it does not match anything or matches xml declaration
more than once and error should be thrown.

So at a high level the state machine is keeping track on what I would
expect to be my next set of valid xml entity constructs.

The only way that the state machine knows that it must 'advance' to the
next state is when I pass the iterators for the content is needs to
search and it matches the conditions for it to advance.
> Thanks,

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