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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] at_thread_exit() never getting called
From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-07 12:40:44

cowwoc wrote:
> Unless I missed something, I don't think that the scenario you
> propose would work for my use-case. Basically, I've got a thread that
> runs in an endless loop until the program shuts down. When the
> program shuts down, I want it to clean up some resources cleanly. The
> way I've done this is by registering a at_thread_exit() hook that
> causes the aforementioned thread to shut down cleanly (breaking out
> of the endless loop) thereby allowing it to clean up its resources
> cleanly.

You can't use an at_thread_exit hook registered from within a thread to shut
down this same thread; this is circular. If you want to shut down a thread
when exit() is called or when main returns, use atexit, or a destructor of a
static variable. I don't see how at_thread_exit could help in this case,
although of course I may be misunderstanding something.

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